Categories: All Things Organized

A Glam What….?

Tidy Challenge- Vanity Glam Space
#momtidy #tidyandcare #zulilyfinds #IDlivesimply #clearclutter #vanityorganization #simplewins #livesimply

Products shown in this blog post were #gifted by Zulily and can be found by clicking here.

THE DEFINITION. A GLAM ROOM- “A glam room is a dedicated area where you would get prepared to go out that’s suitable for people to come help you do it,” says Gary Gold, real estate agent to the richest of them all. “Literally, it’s like a workshop to get dolled up where they’re bringing in a pit crew. Jun 12, 2015

THE DREAM. For this mama & reality TV addict- a glam room is something I always thought was so luxurious. For a female to have a room of her own that was all hers to pamper herself and get ready each day… it sounded so amazing- almost like a dream. HA. Think about it- there’s no closest you have to share with your partner- no worrying about someone throwing their dirty clothes on the floor- it’s just your space and how you like things kept. Having watched the Kardashians and Real Housewives on TV for so long, I became almost programmed to think that it was such a ritzy and affluent thing if you were one of the lucky ones to have this type of space. This luxury is obviously not attainable to the everyday person so I suppose I’ll stop fantasizing over all of the amazing little details a glam room has to offer. We obviously can’t all keep up with the Kardashians and their lavish lifestyles, so some of us “average people” need to get creative if we want our own “glam space,” when we can’t afford a beloved “glam room.”

THE REALITY. I’ll admit when I moved into my first home with my husband- we had one spare bedroom in which I contemplated long & hard about what purpose I wanted for that room. I had a vision of it being a large walk-in style closet for all my clothes, purses, shoes, and accessories. I pictured amazing bright lighting, big mirrors, and ceiling to floor storage (all illuminated of course) for all of my skincare, makeup, and hair products (see picture below for my “vision”). Obviously- my husband slapped me back into reality reallyyyyy fast once he realized this dream would probably cost us a fortune and the room was probably no larger than 300 square feet. Ahhh– it did not take very long for my dreams of a luxurious glam room to be utterly crushed… until we moved again. This time came with a baby on the way and a home that begin to quickly fill with an immense amount of baby gear (not exaggerating here). There was no room for negotiating the need for my own space now that we had a baby arriving with the coming months. At this point our oldest sassy little one hadn’t even arrived yet & was already ruling control over the house and everything in it.

THE COMPROMISE. Here’s what I settled for… a simple vanity by some natural light in our master bedroom. A small piece of my home is now dedicated to my very own g l a m s p a c e and I think of this space just as I think of a glam room- f a b u l o u s because it is all mine! It may not be 1,500 square feet like that of most celebrities, but it’s just right for this busy mama. Yes, my toddler enjoys it just as much and my husband sneakily uses my eye cream & serums when I’m not looking, but it’s mostly ALL mine!

THE NEED. The best feeling ever is when I am able to sit at my vanity and take the time for myself to relax and unwind A L O N E. Whether I am throwing on a face mask, doing my makeup, or getting my face ready for my bed- the space is just right. It’s all mine and sitting there doing whatever I need to is honestly the little piece of self-care that I need in my life every single day.

THE PROBLEM. I have been fortunate to have this space for a little over 2 years now, but one thing it has lacked is basic organization. I’m not talking ceiling to floor storage like before, I mean like BASIC…. makeup brushes in one spot, eye shadows together, old products thrown out…. you know that sort of basic. Over the last few years as I was unenthusiastically approaching 30, and would frantically research, purchase, and try just about every skincare product on the market in order to be “preventive” when it comes to aging. In result, I have accumulated sooooooo many different products…(again this is not an exaggeration) many that needed to be tossed, others that needed to be cleaned, and some that I didn’t even realize I had. Now I realize I was not doing myself any favors because those impulse buys did not “cure” me from looking any older- but by no fault of those products and brands because I probably never gave them a realistic shot at working. With having no clear system of organization for this area- I could never find what I was looking for when I was looking for it. Isn’t this how it always is with just about everything? The second problem- T I M E — something I always took for granted when I had more of it before kids. I simply do not have the time for things like I used to… so I need to be able to find what I am looking for and I need to find it fast.

This project was fantastic for me and the timing was impeccable. Having just had a baby 7 weeks prior (my second), my skincare routine has been seriously lacking and my makeup wearing days have definitely been cut short. The unorganized mess that was my vanity did not help either situation. As a mom of two under two- I am already struggling to carve out the time for myself that I once took advantage of. I now crave the time where I can apply a face mask and catch up on reality TV while it dries.

THE MESS. It took me about an hour to go through all of my products (makeup included) to see what I will actually use. I was able to get rid of so much that it already started to look a lot better….ahh the sweet feeling of a good purge. Once I had my top products (things I use every single day, once a week, etc.), I was able to get right to work. I tried to prioritize products I used most often by keeping them out and accessible when needed. For example- if my cleanser is not out where I can easily grab it- I’m not washing my face…. period. Learn from my mistakes and make your life easier by getting your “glam area” organized and ready for everyday use- your face will thank you in 5-10 years (trust me).

THE SOLUTION. Luckily, I was given the opportunity to try some amazing organizational products from iDesign to give my vanity the refresh it deserved! I had so much fun organizing my makeup & skincare products with the Dakota line that I am already looking to find more from this line to continue to add to my collection. Keep in mind that these pieces can be used in other parts of your home as well (think bathroom, office, upscale playroom). This line is perfect to meet all of your glam needs… here are my top 3 reasons why I’m obsessed!

#1- It’s chic..

The white marble look is timeless. It makes me feel like I have my own “real housewives glam area” to get ready every day. The products I had been using before were completely random and did not match…to be completely honest- they were ugly and boring and I hated how it looked when looking from afar. Now I get so excited to go my glam area because everything looks so chic and classy…. move over Lisa Vanderpump- there’s a new housewife in town.

#2- It’s durable…

One thing I need in products anywhere in my house, but definitely at my vanity is something strong and longlasting. I’m talking- pieces that are going to withhold toddler force across the room. My almost 2 year old daughter’s favorite thing to do (pretty much anytime we are upstairs) is to sit at my vanity and play with all my products (cue the need for reorganization).

#3- It’s easy to clean…

One thing that I hated about the system I had before was that everything got so disgusting from either products leaking or makeup residue being left behind. It was always a pain to clean them and get them to the back to new state that I bought them in. With the Dakota line, there is no issue with keeping these sparkling. All it takes is a quick wipe with warm water & a little soap (if needed) and your good to go!

THE REVEAL. Here’s the moment I know you have all been waiting for. The transformation from mess to YASSS, girl.

Here’s the products I used for my refresh. For an up close visual of this line, check out my quick video breakdown of each item here!

1.Dakota Palette Organizer

*perfect for all different sizes of makeup palettes! You are more likely to use these pieces if you can easily grab them at any second!

2. Dakota Earring Organizer

*Doesn’t everyone have earrings and earring backs lying around just about everywhere in your bedroom? This is one thing has been difficult for me to keep up with. Recently, I did a big purge and got rid of any jewelry pieces that I no longer wore or saw myself wearing. I’m not big on wearing jewelry so stud earrings and my wedding rings usually do the trick… this piece is perfect for just that!

3. Dakota Divided Organizer

*I love this one for my “twice a day” type products. I’m all about accessibility and this is great for grabbing just what I need when I am in my sleep daze each morning and bedtime.

4. Dakota Vanity Organizer

*This organizer piece might be my favorite in the line. It can fit a could amount of different sized products. I keep my remaining skincare products here for you guessed it…. easy access & quick grabbing! The middle section of this piece is great for keeping makeup brushes handy as well. I have been using this for my dirty brushes so I know when they need to get cleaned. I pretty much trade out the set I keep below with this so I always have nice clean brushes. I also like to keep my tweezers hooked on the side so they don’t get lost in the shuffle.

5. Dakota Toothbrush Holder (not just for toothbrushes of course)

*This is just what you need to hold and organize your makeup brushes! This can hold a majority of your brushes and will keep them looking fresh. I also love that I have a place for my phone if need to either make a video or or when watching something. It also fits my baby monitor just right!

*My mama friends & girl pals out there- you deserve a space of your own to be proud of! If you have an area already dedicated to your own version of “glam,” show me! Leave a picture in the comments or head over to my IG page and share there. If you want help in transforming a space just for you, try out some of these products to get started. I’m happy to offer some virtual suggestions to help bring your vision into life (within reason of course, HA).

*The Dakota line by iDesign can be purchased online or in-store at multiple retailers.


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