Categories: Health & Wellness

Home Workout Essentials

**Here is a list of my equipment essentials for working out from home!

#1-Yoga Mat (Cost varies depending on mat) 

Personally, I have accumulated a few yoga mats over the last two years trying to find the one that will best work for me. Most of the time when I go to the gym, I take a class that focuses on a full body workout using mostly weights. Typically all of the class participants have an exercise mat to use for a lot of the exercises. For me, I always try to bring my own just because I start to think about all of the germs that are probably being carried on the mat and it sort of just skeeves me out, ya know? Anyways, yes I like to bring my own mat to the gym when I remember!

Mat #1: I have one that is quick and easy to travel with to the gym because it bundles up so easily (Cost about $15 dollars).

Mat #2: I have another one that is a bit thicker and works well for any exercise that requires you to wear sneakers (planks, leg lifts, etc.). I don’t personally like bringing this one to the gym because its larger and sort of a pain to travel with (costs about $30).

Mat#3: The last one that I own which is probably the most “traditional” is my Lululemon yoga mat. This mat is a bit pricey but totally worth the investment (Costs between $60-85).

#2- A pair of 2-pound ankle weights (Costs varies between $8-25)

If you don’t know what ankle weights look like, here is the version that I have. They come in a variety of sizes and are available in most sporting goods stores. I have even spotted them in places like Ocean State Job Lot and TJMaxx/Marshalls. Ankle weights are a great investment for help when working your booty, core, and legs! I like to wear them when I do leg lifts, most core exercises, and any booty workout (squats, bridge, etc.) 

#3-Set of weights-I like to use 5 lbs & 7.5 lbs (Cost varies between $10-30)

The weights are crucial to getting a solid workout in from home. I have learned that it is essential to put in the work with some weight resistance training on top of regular cardio exercise as well. You can find a pair of weights virtually anywhere, but you want to make sure the size is right for you. If you are unsure of what size you can handle, try to test it out somewhere before OR start smaller and consider upgrading later on and adding to your workout equipment stash!



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